Important Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year

We are counting down the days until our Hornets are back on campus. Before the start of the 2024-2025 school year, please review some of our policies and procedures. Until we see you on August 12, have a blessed and safe summer!
BMC Administration
Attendance Updates

The Bishop Moore Attendance Office has moved locations. The new attendance space is located inside of the Dome. With the new attendance location, some of our policies and procedures have changed.
Attendance Procedures
- Students leaving school early may not be picked up later than 2:00 pm M, T, Th, F, or no later than 1:30 PM on Wednesday.
- Students must visit the attendance office and get a signed pass to leave campus.
- Students who park off campus may exit using the gate at the front of the school by Student Services or by exiting by the guard gate and using the sidewalk adjacent to the new faculty parking lot.
- If you are picking up your child early, use the left lane, check in at the guard gate, and park your car in the loop outside of the Attendance Office. Once you have requested your child be dismissed, please wait for your child in your car.
There is a new face in our attendance office. Anamaria Gonzalez will be managing medical and health-related needs.
The Health and Medical Information sheet details what you should do in the event your child suffers an injury or illness, how medication is dispensed, and how to inform BMC as to any medical condition your child has.
Medical Information and Consent Form (English)
Medical Information and Consent Form (Spanish)
Bell Schedule & Campus Hours
Passing Periods
To ensure students have enough time between classes, we have increased the length of our passing periods. Please see the updated Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. The length of our school day remains the same, with 9th hour ending at 3:30 PM.
Campus Open Before and After School
- Student Success is open at 7:00 AM.
- The Student Center is open from 7:15 AM-4:30 PM.
- The Cafeteria is open from 7:15 AM-3:00 PM.

Campus & Drop Off and Pickup
Parking Spots
Students who park on campus must park in their assigned spot. If someone is parking in your assigned spot, please come to the main office to report any issues.
Drop-Off and Pickup Procedures
Drop-off and pickup procedures for 2024-2025 have not changed. If you are new to Bishop Moore Catholic, we invite you to check out the video to learn about our school drop-off and pickup procedures.
We ask that you refrain from parking in the business parking lot across the street from Bishop Moore Catholic. This area is private property, and we are taking up coveted parking spaces that should remain open for paying customers. We also ask that you avoid parking on residential streets in front of a no-parking sign. We want to be courteous to our neighbors and partners and allow them to conduct business without any obstructions.
Student Handbook
We have updated our Student Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review our uniform guidelines and other student expectations by reading the Student Handbook.
E-Textbooks & Supplies
The e-textbooks bookstore will open on August 15, 2024. Each student is required to purchase their e-text from EdTech by August 30, 2024.
- Textbook purchases are nonrefundable. If you expect a course change to occur, wait and purchase textbooks the day after all course changes have been completed.
- E-text purchases will provide one-year digital access and cannot be shared or transferred between family members.
- Aside from iPads and e-textbooks, Bishop Moore does not have a set supply list. See course syllabus for specific course requirements.
School Counseling
Course changes may take place during the first two weeks of school. If you are planning a course selection change, please do not purchase an e-textbook. All e-textbook purchases are non-refundable. Please contact your school counselor if you wish to change a course.
Spirit Store
The Spirit Store is back to normal operating hours starting this week. Come by the store Monday-Friday from 9:30 AM-4:00 PM and check out our new fan wear.

Give to what you love about BMC!
The Class of 2029 will receive school-issued iPads beginning in the 2025-26 school year.
Your Student Life News Media.
Purchase your foursome and golf cart raffle tickets here!
Family of Faith - Apr 1
Support what you love about BMC!
Support what you love about BMC!
Prom - April 5
Tickets on sale starting March 10.
Lenten Can Food Drive until Apr 9
Family of Faith - May 6
Graduation - May 22
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