Give of Your Time, Talent & Treasure
Make A Gift
There are so many ways to get involved and support Bishop Moore Catholic. All gifts of time, talent, and treasure are equally appreciated and vital to our success.
Without you, our Loyal Hornets, we could not provide the exceptional education our school is known for. Thank you for your confidence and generosity.
Below are some ways in which you can support the school.
The BMC Fund
The BMC Fund is the financial lifeblood of our school. It sustains programs and activities not covered by tuition. Every year we solicit pledges from families, friends, and alumni. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and may be made by check, credit, or stock transfer.
Corporate Partnerships
The mission of Strive For Moore is to rededicate attention to our athletic facilities and program enhancements. By becoming a Corporate Partner in our Strive For Moore Sign Program, you provide additional upgrades and renovations to our athletic facilities and programming so that the student-athlete experience becomes that much more desirable.
Our office oversees a growing number of endowment funds established to provide financial assistance to students who wish to attend BMC. In most instances, the individuals who established these funds outlined specific criteria for disbursing the annual interest earnings on them.
Gift Your IRA
A qualified charitable distribution (QCD), is a direct distribution from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Bishop Moore Catholic. Making this distribution can lower your taxable income, which may also reduce the impact of certain tax credits and deductions such as Social Security and Medicare.
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer a matching gift program as part of their employee benefits. Please contact your employer’s Human Resource Department for additional information. Kelly Carbone in the Advancement Office can also assist you with this.
Contact Kelly at or 407-293-7561, Ext. 343
Gifts of Stock
Bishop Moore Catholic accepts gifts of publicly traded stock. Stock gifts often provide significant tax benefits to the donor. Consult with your tax professional for advice about your circumstances.
To make a gift of stock, please contact Tanya Starrett at or 407-293-7561, Ext. 233
Remembering Bishop Moore Catholic in your will is a wonderful way for you to make a lasting gift. Large or small, your bequest will make an important contribution to our school and our ability to carry on with our mission.
Please contact Tanya Starrett at or 407-293-7561, Ext. 233

The Legacy Gala is an annual event that celebrates the legacy of Bishop Moore Catholic High School's mission while honoring individuals who have established a legacy of service and philanthropy for our community and Bishop Moore Catholic over the years.
The leadership of these individuals has helped achieve Catholic education excellence and ensure its future in Central Florida. Legacy Gala proceeds are for the BMC Fund, which will focus on enriching the Bishop Moore Catholic students’ experience to more fully develop these students personally, spiritually, and intellectually.

The BMC BIG GIVE is a one-day social media and on-campus fundraising drive. It is a day for alumni, parents, and friends from all over our community to come together and give back to BMC ensuring a bright future for our current and future students.

The Hornet Scramble is an annual golf tournament that benefits Bishop Moore Catholic student-athletes. Bishop Moore Catholic is blessed to offer 37 sports programs. Your support assists each of these programs and the maintenance of the facilities in which they utilize.

The monthly Family of Faith breakfast features a speaker who shares a reflection on each year's theme. Family of Faith events are open to all in the BMC community.

Grandparents Day
Bishop Moore Catholic celebrates our grandparents each year on Sunday at the end of Catholic Schools Week with a Mass and breakfast. We recognize that grandparents are instrumental in passing on the faith to their grandchildren and we want to thank them for their spiritual influence in the lives of others.
As Pope Francis said, “There is no retirement age from the work of proclaiming the Gospel and handing down traditions to your grandchildren.”
We use the information you provide in our online giving form to process and document your contribution; we do not store your financial information in our records.
If you have additional questions regarding your financial support of Bishop Moore, please contact Tanya Starrett, Director of Advancement, at or 407-293-7561, ext. 233
Bishop Moore Catholic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations, sponsorships, and registration fees are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent allowed by federal law.
The Advancement Team