Bishop Moore Catholic employs a college-preparatory system that consists of state-required courses for graduation, theological studies, and a wide variety of electives. Our curriculum is designed to foster academic and spiritual growth and to promote students to become leaders in their worlds of influence.
The curriculum of BMC is designed for student success at the post-secondary level. This curriculum exceeds the Florida Department of Education's requirements and employs interdisciplinary techniques that help students integrate what they are learning into their daily lives.
Core Classes
Placement in core classes is based on student entrance exams, previous transcripts, and teacher recommendations. As part of our graduation requirements, students must take core classes along with religion classes.
Students at BMC are expected to take electives as part of their graduation requirements. Electives offered include fine arts, performing arts, physical education, technology, the sciences, world languages, and publications.
AP Courses
Qualified students may seek to participate in AP classes at BMC. By enrolling in one of the 29 AP courses offered and fulfilling the requirements of the Moore Scholar, students may graduate with an honor's diploma. BMC consistently outperforms both the state of Florida and the nation for AP pass rates.
See the Curriculum Guide for a complete listing of AP courses and the requirements for enrollment.
Programs of Distinction
Bishop Moore Catholic High School's Programs of Distinction provide students with an opportunity to engage in professional fields of interest as a pillar of their high school experience. Bishop Moore Catholic currently offers programs in Aviation, Engineering, Business Finance, Biomedical Sciences, and Computer Science that work to support our mission of striving for excellence in all that we do. These programs support students in gaining exposure and experience on future career interests that drive decisions for their college selection and areas of study. Students who successfully complete three years within one Program of Distinction receive graduation recognition.
Technology is infused into the curriculum at BMC. Student textbooks are completely digital. Technology is integrated into student learning, from research to student productivity, to assessments.
Learn about the 1:1 iPad Program
The Diocese of Orlando adheres to the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools through which we are accredited (link: The Standards ( The Diocese follows the Florida state curriculum standards for all core content areas along with these uniquely Catholic standards. For a full review of the Florida Standards for Social Studies, you may go to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Social Studies 2021 (
Integrated throughout all content instruction and explicitly taught as a core content area are the teachings of the Catholic Faith, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Critical Race Theory is not included in any of those documents and is not part of the instructional standards taught in our schools.
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